Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Bike Rally Opposing Gas Prices

When writing this essay, my main thesis was to not only notice the visible aspects of this situation (the gas prices are to high so we are going to start a bike rally against them), but rather to look into with more detail and information about what all people in general are looking out of our society (to be wanted and heard about our views).

Prior to this bike rally event being held, there were many fliers posted in hallways, on lockers, and on many doorways to notify others and to raise the awareness of rising gas prices in our community. It was just another normal school day when my friends and I were walking up the stairwell to our classes when we saw one of these attention-getting fliers. We stopped and read the flier and were really interested in the event, because we also shared the same idea that the writer of this flier was trying to get across: ALMOST 4 DOLLARS FOR GAS?! THAT'S CRAZY! But while reading the flier, we also noticed that it was on a school day, that also happened to be one of our soccer game days that we had to dress up for. Originally the plan was to ride our bikes from our houses to school, which was perfectly fine with me, because I just lived about 2 minutes away from the school. But when we found out that the concept of this rally was to meet at our Wal-Mart at 7 and ride our bikes to our school (which is about 4 miles, i think), we knew we wouldn't be able to. That would intail that we would have to get up earlier than needed (coach said we would need a lot of rest), and also, we had to dress up for school that day to let everyone know that we had a soccer game so they could come out and support us.

When the morning of the rally finally rolled around, I arrived at school, dressed up, looking nice, and ready for our game afterwards. I was really upset that didn't go to the rally, because I wanted to be one of those people who would get their voices heard about the high-rising gas prices in our community. But when I thought about it, I said to myself... "It would have been silly for me to drive my car (with my bike in the trunk) all the way to Wal-Mart, then ride my bike all the way to school, just to get the gas companies to notice that we don't need gas to travel." But if you think about it, how did they arrive at Wal-Mart? By driving their cars and using gas (just what the gas companies want). Also, how did they expect to get back to their cars? They were already worn out from riding from Wal-Mart to the school. All I am trying to say is that they should have put more thought into this plan.

I do not regret making those decisions and acting upon my thoughts, because all in all I was able to focus more in school and also to play well in the game. The other players who had gone to the rally, admitted to being tired because of the rally. Now that gas prices have gone down a lot and I am not on a sport team anymore, if this event to arise again, I would participate.

I understand now that all the people that participated, did it for a good reason. They just wanted to be heard about how they feel about the situation. I didn't understand then why some soccer players participated when they knew that we had a game that same day. The main point was to get the idea across that we could travel without using gas if we really commited to it. I felt the same way, but I just think that they should have put more thought into the rally so they wouldn't actually be using gas like they said they wouldn't.

I have changed in many ways, including age and maturity. I have let myself grow to try to be the best person I can be to myself and to those around me. I admit to not making smart decisions every once in a while, but I have learned from them and learning from them has made me realize that I can do better and am better for doing so. I am the type of person who DOES care what others think of me and in being so, that does effect how I live my life. I do see myself as a role model to others. I try to make the good grades and set good examples for others that surround me. There are hard times that come and go and I try to deal with them to the best of my ability without fault. Sometimes though, I do catch myself saying, doing, or acting, unlike the normal "me".

I have changed a lot coming out of high school and entering college. In highschool I remember telling myself that I would never drink alcohol. But when I entered college, near the end of the first semester, I started hanging around with my sister's friends that did drink and party. I felt the constant pressure to drink because not only was it the cool thing to do (I know, cliche, right?), but if I didn't drink, this guy named Terry would state that I am "weak" or that I would be so much more cooler if I was older. I didn't really know what he meant by that, but it stuck. But in hanging around with all of those friends of mine, I did meet a lot of other friends and a guy named Jake (we are not dating) who also doesn't like to drink. So whenever we all go over to the house and party, Jake and I just sit back and relax and just talk about whatever, whenever. Jake and I just like to sit back and talk whenever everybody else is getting drunk and joke with others the next morning saying "Oh you remember lastnight when so and so did this? Oh wait, you were drunk and throwing up in the bathroom. That's right, I forgot." We were just kidding and messing with all the drunks. I believe it might be more fun than being drunk in all actuality.

I have stayed the same in some ways. I have been the type of person to try to get the best grade he/she can. I am not okay with getting a 94%, although it is an A... I strive to get the best grade possible. I have stayed the same because I still enjoy playing sports (they're an all-time love) and being active in certain groups and clubs. I am still a huge family person and I believe that will never change. I just simply won't let that happen. I enjoy hanging out with all my friends, even the ones from back home. Even though I have changed in some ways, I still feel that I am the same me.

This even was important to me because I didn't want to have to keep on paying such an amazing amount of money just for gas. Gas is not a necessity. If we all needed, and I mean really needed, to get somewhere without a car or truck, we could do it. We would just need to put our minds to it and in the end it would actually help us with our health. If we were to just get rid of the whole "gas" concept, we wouldn't have cars, lawnmowers, and other stuff. Without gas we could ride bikes to places and reduce our risk of heart disease and such. Without actually "gas" we wouldn't worry about polluting the environment either. Anyway, to analyse this deep down, I think this event was just about letting our voices be heard. We want others to hear the way we feel about a particular matter. We just want to be heard.

This event is important to me now because it has opened my eyes to many more things. Again I say, it has helped me let my voice be heard. It has also helped me recognize all that I am passionate for. It has lead me to believe that if I put my mind to something, then I can do it. Just like the Thomas the Train (I know, cheezy). We just have to believe in ourselves and hope for the best. If not, then what else do we have to live for?

1) Are there any parts/paragraphs in this essay that seem misleading or confusing?

2) How do you feel when reading this essay? Does it lead to you have an agreement or disagreement about the topic? What parts indicate so?

3) Is there much detail or not enough? Is it repetitive or not?

4) Are there any parts of the essay that seem unnecessary? Does it seem like there is not enough information?