Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Where Has Dad Been?

The writer of this blog represents himself as being a loving and caring stay at home father with a wife and young daughter. The qualities and characteristics that I share with this writer are those of being loving, caring, easygoing, and being a laid back type of person. The writer and I are different in many ways such as he is a husband and has a young daughter and I am just a freshman in my spring semester of college.

Some elements that lead me to believe that the writer is being forthright and honest are those that indicate that he is just a normal man trying to live his life as a stay at home father and enjoying that life to the fullest. Most married men who have children don't normally stay home and watch the children. Most of those men say that those are the wife's chores because of the generalization that women can't do what men can do and that they should take care of household chores, cook the meals, and babysit the children. I did not find any elements that lead me to believe that the writer is not being forthright and honest.

The intended audience of this blog is his blog readers and perhaps other stay are home fathers or mothers. The blog creator assumes that his readers will know the everyday life of a stay at home father, but children or teens would not be a desired part of this audience because those groups very rarely relate to him in this particular situation. Readers visit this blog to be informed and confirmed in some ways. Those readers want to be updated on new progresses, but they also leave the blogger some tips that he could use later on in life. I am not a member of the intended audience. However, qualities that would draw me back to this blog site are those of being well-organized and easy to follow. Some qualities that would deter me from returning are those of not having any relation to the subject matter at hand. The layout of this site is above average as I have already stated that it is well-organized and that it also provides amazing photography.

The writer uses an informal language as if the writer and I were having our own one on one conversation. He is not afraid to tell his readers how he really feels or to let them into his personal life. For example, he mentions "playing Mario cart on a N64". The writer presents information in a conversational way. However, he doesn't include any evidence. He relies heavily on his own opinions and some opinion comments and feedback from other people that also write blogs. The readers of his blog influence the content because some would like to know more about his life, get to know him better and give him advice when he might need it. I react to the content in the same way, but viewing his blog is not a necessity nor do I need a play by play of his normal day routine. The blogs message is to let the readers know that he is celebrating Christmas and the New Year by enjoying his time off and relaxing with his family and friends. He is trying to explain to the reader that he wants to make as many memories as he can with his family.

The only problem that might arise with his blog is that most everything is based upon his opinion. He thinks that dad's should act and provide support in a certain way, such as spending a certain amount of time with the child or buying a specific brand name diaper because it holds just the right amount. Most his information is his opinion and it does not have any support.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis was very clear. You gave precise details from the blog and showed how the blog may relate to some and not to others.

    You also metioned that he may be using the blog as a way of learning, getting tips and ideas from others who are interested. That is very good, after reading your analysis I would say that the only thing I would do is talk more about how his blog relys on opinion and not evidence, clear this up and explain exactly what you mean.
