Thursday, May 7, 2009

Content Analysis

Evansville: The Hopeful Community

What would happen if a loved one, such as a friend, spouse, or family member, were involved in a horrific accident, sustaining them with many injuries or an accident causing him or her to pass away? Many people would say that they would hope and pray that the person injured would get better soon. Or in the other case, they would help the friends and family members by grieving with them and being there for support.

Many circumstances around the city of Evansville, Indiana have lead its residents to believe that this is the common way for them to feel better and to recover. For example on February 24, 2009, a Huntingburg police officer broke his ankle during pursuit. From the article, Huntingburg Police Department Chief Ron Drew said, “We just wish him well… The good thing about it is he’s a young man, and I’m sure he’ll bounce back quick. But even at that, it’s a horrendous injury.”(Lesnick).

In this case, I am referring to “hope” as it being defined as being positive and expecting the health of the person to get well. This issue is really common because a person’s health can only be affected by certain people. Obviously, the person that is in the accident has to manage his or her eating and sleeping habits in order to gain the proper nutrients and to be able to focus clearly. Victims that have been seriously injured in life threatening accidents will need extensive and prolonging surgeries in order to detach foreign bodies, skin graphs, or stitch up what is needed. Doctors and surgeons are allowed to give the victims certain medication or breathing apparatuses in order to keep them living and conscious, while the doctors or surgeons operate.

For hope in the health view, being positive and wishing someone to get well is the primary source, because the patients are in a condition in which they are not able to do it on their own. The patients will need help from doctors in order to ingest the proper medications, surgeons to be able to remove or fix what is needed, and friends and family are able to help injured with day to day actions, such as eating foods, using the restroom, and being able to walk. In general, all these doctors, surgeons, and friends and family members have to hope for the best in order for them to maintain a healthy life.

In the case of Jessica Brooks, who was badly burned in an attempt to kill head lice. She tried many over the counter prescriptions but none worked. Frustrating as it was, she tried another effort in which she doused her head with gasoline, but unexpectedly caught fire from a nearby water heater. Scott Middleton, Jessica’s soon to be brother-in-law, said that she shouldn’t have taking that approach to getting rid of her lice because gasoline is not designed for that. He also stated, “We just hope she comes home.” (Lesnick). This article was published on the Courier Press website and some viewers who read it wrote comments saying that they hoped and prayed that she will have a quick recovery.

With hope being defined as being positive, most people would agree that there is no refutation to these types of incidents. When it involves someone’s health, no one wishes the injured to become sick or die, unless a person is cruel and inhumane.

Overall, when a person’s health is on the line, there is not much others can do but to be positive and wish for a strong recovery. So, if someone is hurt one should help out by hoping for the injured and also be there to support them when needed.

On Saturday night March 7, 2009, the second annual Guns & Hoses charity boxing match was held at Roberts Stadium. There were 19 rounds, in which 11 were won by the firefighters, seven by the police officers, and one bout ended in a draw. Technically, the firefighters won most of the fights, but in the end, everyone was a winner. They were simply supporting a good cause and trying to raise money for their group house and local charities and that was their goal.

The Guns & Hoses charity boxing event is held every year, this year being its second. During this event, local police officers and firefighters battle against one another in a series of bouts. Tickets and concessions sales allow them to raise money for numerous charities, including their project of building a group home in the area for people who have Prader Willi syndrome, which causes sufferers to constantly feel hungry.

Hope makes this event possible because the firefighters and police officers have faith in the community that they will come out and not only watch, but donate money for such good causes. For this definition of hope, it requires having a lot of faith in the residents of the city and the firefighters and officers had confidence that the people of Evansville would come out and watch the event, hoping for some donations. This issue is that of which concerns the local people who work to save lives and prevent crimes that occur everyday. This group home for people who have Prader Willi syndrome is held close to the organizer of Guns & Hoses, Patrick Phernetton who also is an Evansville Police Department officer, because his daughter, Mickey, has this disease.

Faith plays a vital role in hope and religion, because without faith certain things would not be possible. Faith can mean having a belief in anything, as a code of ethics and or morals. Some people believe that faith requires the presence of religion and a god. Through faith, many believe that their god or gods will help to heal the wounded in order to help them regain their health and live a normal life. Since others can’t do it on there own, they hope and pray for these figures to miraculously heal them.

If faith is not an important part in religion, then there would be no reason to have a god or gods to follow the religion’s beliefs and values. The main part of having a religion is having faith that our god will get us through and hope to make things better or less difficult.

Some people will argue that faith has nothing to do with having a particular religion. Those people are likely to not have a set religious view or worship a certain god.

As noted earlier, faith does play a major part in hope because one must believe that there is someone else out there that will help others in their time of need. If someone is really passionate about a specific topic, subject, sport, or activity, search for other people and groups that share the same desire and maybe they will help give more insight and information.

“I think it’s certainly a unique experience when you have someone across the world who is willing to reach out and help a homeless veteran,” said Lydia Johnson (Grundhoefer). Lydia, community relations director for Habitat for Humanity of Evansville, was contacted by Maj. Jason Burley several months ago when he first heard about the rate of homeless veterans in America. Burley was interested in helping sponsor a Habitat house for a homeless veteran. At that time, he was on his was to Iraq, but was still able to contact his peers from Evansville to get a hold of the Habitat for Humanity of Evansville.

Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit, housing organization that builds simple, decent, affordable houses for people in need. The requirements for Habitat include that if the person is in need of a house, he or she can commit to 300 hours of work to the project and if he or she is able to make a $275 monthly mortgage payment.

Throughout the world, many people are still recovering from recent storms, hurricanes, and floods that have been destroying houses and property. This is an issue that not only affects us in Evansville, but also taps into the world population. It has caused many families to have lost their homes, jobs, and has taken lives. Habitat is a program that tries to help those families in need by building them new houses and giving them the chance to start a new life.

Habitat provides hope to the families in need, because although their homes have been destroyed, efforts have been put forth in order to help them recollect and start over. After the homes of those families are destroyed, they feel that there is nothing left to do and become saddened and full of frustration. When those new houses are built for them, they feel that there is a sense of belonging from the community. Many of these occurrences happen and tap into the entire population and are a world wide matter.

To date, more than 50,000 families have been served under various Habitat disaster response initiatives worldwide (Habitat for Humanity). Not only does it allow the families to start over, but it also gives them the opportunity to associate and connect with others within that community and find schools and jobs that are needed to help educate and earn money.

This is a serious issue in which it is rare to find a person who would refute that the Habitat organization does not provide help and hope. Though this is a good cause and many numerous hours are needed to be put into these houses, one could refute that he or she might have better things to do than to fix a house for another human being or he or she might simply just be lazy.

All things considered, Habitat for Humanity is a hopeful and great organization that seems to amaze most of us because of its generous efforts and time put into it. I encourage all of those out there to get involved with Habitat and help out in their community. Put oneself in the shoes of those that need these homes and one will see why Habitat for Humanity is a hopeful and powerful organization.

Imagine that a friend mentions he has lost his job because his work is going out of business. He says he has been in search for a new job, but other businesses are also continuing to shut down and the only job offers that are available are the ones the most people don’t want to have. In Ohio, since many businesses have been shutting down, a junior high school has an offer for one open janitorial job to those who want to work. Not jobs as teachers, secretaries, or principals, but rather janitors. The school has had nearly 700 applications for one open spot as a janitor.

With the economy declining the way that it has been, many businesses have been shutting down because they don’t enough money to remain in business. While reading many articles and watching many television channels, there is no doubt that the unemployment rate has reached above 50% and it doesn’t seem like its improving. The mention of a surplus package has been put into action and has helped us increase our economy slightly, but we’re still in tremendous amounts of debt.

This is an important issue because it affects almost everyone in the world. Jobs are needed to make money and provide support for families and without jobs we wouldn’t be able to do so. Now, since many are already out of business, there are a significant number of citizens who are looking for any type of job, just to provide food to their families.

Even though the economy was declining, most citizens could only hope for the best, because the power is not strong in our hands. There are small tips that we could take into consideration to improve our budget spending, such as buying the necessities, staying home, and making small sacrifices. There isn’t much that we, as citizens of the U.S., can do to help our economy. It is changing whether we like it or not and there isn’t much we can do.

“I just have every confidence that as we get through this crisis, that our economy will begin to grow again, and it will remain the most powerful and dynamic economy in the world,” said Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke ( He also went on to mention that what is necessary for a full recovery is the stabilization of the banking system. Recovery is likely to begin next year and Ben Bernanke seems very pessimistic.

After summarizing all that has been said among this case, there wasn’t much anyone can do specifically. As already mentioned before, the banking system is what really threw the economy into this downfall and no urges were made to the general public on how to help improve it. Refuting this argument would be doubtful because we, as citizens of the U.S. don’t have the power to help improve the economy. Guaranteed, we could do little things to increase our budget, like only buying necessities, staying home, and remaining hopeful about the crisis.

In conclusion, all that the citizens of the U.S. can do to help the economy is to hope and be confident that the economy will recover as soon as possible. The citizens have power over their own budgets, but hardly any power when trying to help the economy on its road to recovery.

Works Cited staff. “Bernanke: Recovery to begin next year.” CNNMoney 15 March 2009. 15 March 2009 .

Habitat for Humanity. 2 March 2009 .

Lesnick, Gavin. “Huntingburg police officer breaks ankle during pursuit.” Courier Press 24 Feb. 2009. 26 Feb. 2009 .

Lesnick, Gavin. “Teenager burned trying to kill lice.” Courier Press 25 Feb. 2009. 26 Feb. 2009 <>.

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